It is not uncommon for organisations to have a company environmental policy and CSR initiatives, that don’t extend to their events departments. But as we are in the throes of Bristol’s year as European Green Capital, it makes sense to consider all aspects of a business (particularly for those who have made Bristol Green Capital pledges!)
If you are part of the highly stressed, overworked events team you may be despairing at the thought of more to do. Well fear not, here are 5 suggestions that will reduce your use of single-use materials and … save you time!
1. Aim to go ‘paper-free’ or ‘low paper’, by only printing the essentials (this means less delegate packs to prepare and recycle at the end).
2. Replace the goody-bag of ‘single-use items’ to interactive experiences or online offers (that means less packing for you).
3. Request digital signs from your venue or design generic signage without branding that can be reused for multiple events.
4. Talk to sponsors about your commitments and pledges and look at how you could communicate their messages in advance through online communications, and what reusable banners they could bring to an event.
5. If you re ordering a buffet look at ordering for 80% of your guests- caterers generally over cater. OR ask caters to supply cardboard takeaway boxes.
Kambe Sustainable Event Consultancy
Kambe is one of the leading sustainable event consultancies in the UK. Kambe’s portfolio has a portfolio of pioneering and award winning green events.
Kambe is also at the forefront of research, having co-founded and taken an active role in many industry initiatives. Our team of consultants know the science, but importantly, they know how events work from the ground up. We work pragmatically to empower clients to achieve their aims, whether small steps or fundamental changes in approach.